Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fabulous News!

Many of you know that I have been trying to transfer out of my office to a different department at Barnes. finally happened!!!! I am so excited to announce that I am transferring to the telemetry department. I'm not sure of my exact transfer date, but it's coming soon...i can feel it! I'm excited! It's going to be a new experience with an opportunity to learn a new skill and a new department. I totally like my new manager. She seems so sweet and caring...I just don't think that I would ever want to cross her!! I'm looking forward to my 12 hour days and only having to work like 3 days a week! LOVE IT!!! And i get to wear to some that doesn't seem like an exciting thing but I love them! Not only are they completely comfortable, I don't really have to stress about what to wear to work. All I need is like 6 scrub outfits and I'm good to go. I won't have to do laundry for two weeks!!! Rock on!! Anyway, as I know more about the position and things I will definitely keep you all informed! I'm so excited it's ridiculous!

Okay, so now on to some other stuff. I'm getting ready to start my canning for the year. I decided this year that I only wanted to can some jams and jellies this year. It's going to be kind of a stressful time of year with Tony starting school and all so I thought I would keep it simple. I'm excited to see where the rest of this year is going to take us and what we can do to try and keep our heads above water. I'm going to try and get my student loans out of default and then I'm going to go back to school to finish my degree...should only take me a couple of years, and by the time I'm done, Tony should only have another year. Hopefully by then, we will have figured out where we want to stay for a while. I think we may move one more time after school is over for us. Who knows, we might even move out of state.

So back to the jams and jellies. I have figured out which ones I want to make this year. I'm gonna be busy as there are quite a few of them. One of the ladies I work with now is going to get me some of her apples from her tree so I'm pretty stoked about that. I will be able to make some apple butter and maybe a couple of jars of applesauce, but that's as far as I'm going to go with that this year. I made a ton of applesauce last year and some of them went bad so I'm not sure I want to do that this year.

So here's my list of jams and jellies:

pomegranate jelly
rosy apple cider jelly
strawberry kiwi jam
candy apple jelly
peach jam
pineapple kiwi jam
strawberry pineapple jam

There may be a few more added to this list but I'm pretty happy with the ones that have been selected for this year. I'll definitely post some pics and recipes as they are completed. It will take some time because I have to go and get the jars and find my canner...i still haven't unpacked it yet.

So much to do still. I can't wait to get my scrap room organized and get that all situated. With Tony's pell grant money, we have talked about getting a new futon for the living room and getting some other things that are necessaties for us. We are happy that we are going to be able to pay for some things that we need. I can't wait to go back to school so we can have enough money for more things that we want and need to do.

Well, I think I'm going to say goodnight for now. I'm not feeling good and I want to lay my head down! Hope you all have a blessed day tomorrow!

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