Monday, November 22, 2010

What a last few weeks!

Oh my goodness. It has been a crazy last few weeks. I am working non stop it seems like. I think in the last 4 weeks, I have only had like 3 days off. I am so busy but I'm loving it! I love my job so that makes things sooo much easier. I work with some awesome people and a great boss! I never realized how much that really does matter!

Anyway, I have been working crazy amounts of overtime. They either call me in or I volunteer to work. It just depends on how desperate they are! I was trying to have a week where I didn't have any overtime, but then I got a phone call and they were desperate for someone to work...that person was me! It's not that big of a deal. I was supposed to be off work on Thanksgiving too but then I found out that there was a bonus being naturally I snatched it up! I probably don't need to be working this much but the money is sooo nice. I haven't had to cook much which is nice but I am getting tired of eating out. I can only handle so many hamburgers from McDonalds you know!

My health hasn't been the best either. Not only have I been put on like 6 new medications, I am now facing the possibility of kidney failure. I'm in the beginning stages. Talk about a wake up call. I knew something was going on with my kidneys but everyone said that it was because my blood sugars were so high for so long...I knew that wasn't the case but they were doctors...they are supposed to know what's wrong right??? Whatever. Next time I'll just stick with my instincts and follow the Spirit. My doctor really wants me to go on this medication that has got me so freaked out. I am so lucky to have a bunch of residents in my ward so I went to my Elder's Quorum president, who is a 5th year resident, and between him and his brother, they came up with a couple of other medications that do the same things as the med that really has me freaked out. I think I'm going to talk to my doctor about trying those instead.

My kidneys aren't the only ones that are having problems. I can't seem to keep anything down and I have diarrhea so bad some days that it's just scary and I don't want to go anywhere. I'm wondering if my body is finally revolting against all the fried crap that we've been eating. I wanna try and take a few days off work and cook a ton of stuff that's healthy and yummy. Even if it's not like really really healthy, it's gotta be better than the fast food crap that we have been eating! So that's my goal for this next little while...trying to eat a little healthier!

So my husband is my hero! The man is almost done with his first semester of school. I am soo proud of him. He's averaging A's!!! He may have a few B's but I think that's completely ok!!!! I'm so proud. He finished his first aid class and got an A!!!! Go Sweehe! He is very proud of himself and I think that is totally awesome!

Well, hopefully life will start slowing down...although, I'm thinking that's not going to be very likely. I hope to be able to blog more often. I seem to be slacking at it again!!! I promise to be better!

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