Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chaos in the midst of Peace

So I have been thinking alot about what is going on in my life and wondering what I can do to change things. Here's what I have come up with:

1. I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut. I am so tired of people taking what I say and twisting them and then getting me into trouble. I am tired of saying things to people in confidence and then having it thrown back in my face. I have this problem with trusting people that aren't trustworthy, I guess. I know that there are people out there in the world that just can't be trusted. I didn't realize that everyone I worked with was one of those people. I swear that it's just like working in a high school...or being back in high school...with all kinds of backstabbing wenches trying to win over the boss. What some people don't realize is when you go and tattle on another coworker...not only does the coworker look bad...so do you!!

2. Life definitely isn't always fair. This is something that I think I have always known but it's becoming more and more obvious as life goes on. Tony and I have an awesome possiblity to move into this really neat apartment in our favorite part of town. It's a really neat place. The landlord doesn't mind the dogs and the cat! In fact, she's a dog lover herself. It's on "The Hill" which is our favorite part of town. Toni...the landlord...is willing to work with us regarding the deposit. And...here's the best part...we can paint our apartment and make it our own! It's got a big enough kitchen and while the rooms are small...it is still bigger than what we are in now! For $650 a month we can be on our own...and that includes utilities. How fabulous is that...now all we have to do is get Tony a job and life will be fabulous! But sometimes that feels like an impossible feat....i wish life was easy sometimes!

3. You have to let go of the past. And that is easier said than done. I have never realized how much the past affects the future. There has to be a reason for everything right? Doesn't everything happen for a reason? And isn't the past supposed to help shape the future? Actually...I have found that it really does shape the future...but I also have found that it's up to us to decide what parts of the past we are going to use to "shape" our future. For example, my dad wasn't the nicest of parents. We had our moments. What i didn't realize was that I was still using some of my "hostility" towards my dad in my daily life. I was taking out some of my frustrations with how he treated me on others, like those that I work with. It certainly was a rude awakening when I found out that was what I was doing. But once I changed my attitude...life was easier on the job...until I learned the hard way that I need to keep my big mouth shut....see lesson 1.

4. It's cheaper to cook at home! I love to cook. I just didn't realize how much cheaper it was to do so. Tony and I haven't had a place to cook for a year now. All of my health numbers are really high. What I'm talking about is cholesterol and triglycerides...things like that. They are crazy high...and I firmly believe that is because of how we are eating and not having a kitchen to prepare healthy and delicious meals! Now, that's not to say that you can't make fattening and bad for you meals at home...because you totally can...but it's easier to eat healthier if you are cooking and eating at home. Now that my mom and George are moving back into the house...tony and I will be able to prepare and eat at home! We are actually very excited about this as we are totally tired of eating out. Now, that's not to say that we won't ever eat out again. We do happen to love hamburgers every once in a while...and do I really feel like cooking EVERY day...I don't think so! Oh, we were at "the Hill" on Saturday and I picked up this fabulous new cookbook that I totally can't wait to use it! I love old family recipes...things that have been past down from generation to generation....hopefully evolving into a fabulous recipe. We went to Di Greggorio's Italian Family Market and they had a family cookbook that they had published. Oh my...I can't wait to try some recipes. I love to add new recipes to our daily menus...oh and to be able to cook again!!! YAY!!! I will definitely pass the fabulous recipes on!

These are just a few of life's lessons that I have learned recently. I know that there are many more but I'm tired and can't think at the moment! I hate working midnights! And on that note...I will say goodnight!

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