Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Been Almost a Whole Year since we've last spoken!

Wow!! So it's been beyond forever since I last blogged. Maybe I will try and be a better blogger this year! Since starting a new year and a new decade...I have decided to make a few changes! I have made a few decisions that should impact my life and make it better...that's the goal anyway! I was watching the movie "Julie and Julia" a few weeks ago and was inspired to start a cooking blog. My absolute favorite website is I love the variety of recipes on there. So I have decided that I am going to try and cook a new recipe and then blog about it. Now Julia in the movie blogged about a new recipe every day. I don't think i will be able to do that but I want to blog at least two to three times a week. I'm not trying to be fancy with it...I just want to make some new recipes and just enjoy myself. Learn a different way to cook and some new and healthier ways to cook. I just recently got out of the blood sugars were in the 500s...way too high...and have now been put on a low carb diet. I'm kinda nervous about that. I love food. I am a major foodie...and i am a slave to my taste buds so I want to make low carb food that tastes awesome. I think i have found some recipes that will do just that! When I set up my blog, I will make sure to post the address here so anyone can look at it!

So another one of my new years resolutions...and I totally hate making to go on a weekly hike somewhere with my husband. We will start slow and on smaller trails and then gradually increase the length. I don't want anything tough in the beginning. I am in enough pain all the time as it start slow and then increase! I think that is a brilliant plan. Who knows...maybe we will increase the amount of hikes to two a week as well...later on down the road! I'm pretty excited about this new adventure. This will help me achieve my weight loss goal. I'm not setting an exact amount of weight loss for the year...that's too restricting to I'm just going to say that I am going to lose whatever I do lose and I will be happy about it!

This year I am also going to figure out what I want to do career-wise with myself. I want to try and get back into school and graduate and get a fabulous job that will make me happy. While I love the company that I work for now, I don't want to stay in this position forever. I want to be able to make a living and be able to support myself and my family! I also want to be able to adopt a baby within the next 2 years. I guess my biological clock is ticking pretty loudly these days. I used to always want to be a stay at home mom...then I was told that I couldn't have children...since then my position has been that I just don't want them...but apparently that has changed again. I'm pretty sure my "i don't want them" phase was a defense mechanism put in place by myself because of what one doctor said. know what...I just might get a second opinion when my A1C...which is my blood sugar count...gets below 7. It's really bad at the moment and I don't want to put any risk on me or a possible baby until it gets lower. So...who knows...maybe one day it will happen...if not, there's always adoption...but I think we'll adopt anyway. But I digress.

Oh, I found an old friend the other day on Facebook. Totally am jealous of him. He is doing what he loves to do. What he's always loved to do and that's being in the theatre. I can't believe how jealous I became of him. I used to love being a part of the theatre. I dreamed of one day running a sound board or doing something backstage on a broadway production. Wow...what a dream that was. Now I'm stuck in a dead end job with no prospects of moving up...totally not what I expected my life to be like. I do have a fabulous husband who loves and supports me but i expected so much growing up and none of it has happened. So I just wanted to tell my friend...not that he will probably ever read this...I envy you and I wish you the best. As of this moment, you are my hero...for doing what you love and not getting sucked into dregs of life.

Anyway, on a lighter note!!! I'm getting a new vacuum tomorrow. Yep...I'm excited about a new vacuum...what is wrong with me??? Oh least my house will be cleaner and I will have a new toy to play with until it breaks again. That's the problem with cheap vacuum cleaners and dog hair. I think this is the 6th vacuum we have had since we got the dogs...three years ago. Yep...that's pathetic. Can't they make an awesome vacuum for dog that doesn't clog up so much?? Oh we go again!

So I'm going to sign off for now...I promise that I will be better at writing and I hope you enjoyed an insight to my life!

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