Friday, April 16, 2010

A few thoughts that I've had!

I am looking around my office and wonder seriously how i ever took this job! I know that I was desperate for a job...and I am very grateful for my job...but geez, if you could see what I'm looking at, you would wonder the same thing. The walls are painted horrible a horrible peach color and a lite mint green color...seriously peeps!! It looks like I am sitting in a patient room...only it's not soothing like you would expect. The pictures are nice...they are some of the successories pictures...nice sayings and nice pics...but the bulletin board looks horrible..something you would see in like an elementary school room....only worse. I actually couldn't see that board in a classroom...there has to be some type of creativity gene that was lost somewhere...My poor scrapbooking heart looks at this board and just dies. Sheesh...I need to get over it but i'm stuck looking at it for the moment...and it's driving me CRAZY!!! You know, i have never had such stupid phone calls in my life...i seriously can't believe that there are such stupid people out's an example..."I'm 26 weeks pregnant and I just went to the bathroom....and I'm bleeding everywhere...should I come in?" Seriously??? R u for real??? Some of these calls have to be made up...people couldn't be seriously that stupid. It's just not possible! Wow!!! Oh, and here's my favorite! "Can you dial 911 for me?" WHAT??? Seriously?!?!?! You just dialed a 7 digit number when you could have dialed 3. And it's an emergency right?? So why are you calling me??? But whatever....job security right?? What's that phrase...when life throws you should make lemonade...or something like that...what happens if lemonade gives me indigestion??

Anyway, moving on!!! I have to give a shout out to my husband. He is the most fabulous person ever!!! I absolutely adore him and am so glad and grateful for him. I want him to know that I will never to anything to hurt what we have. It's to wonderful! And we will just leave it at that!

So we went to make the downpayment...or deposit on our apartment today and the landlady wasn't available but she took the sign down and she still says that it's ours!!! So excited. We went to the Hill today and I just can't wait! I see the future for us there. We love that part of town and it's like the safest area in St. Louis City. They take care of their own. I hope that one day we are accepted and are protected as well. I hate the idea of us being outsiders. But we are so excited to be on our own in our favorite part of town. So who cares!!! Let's just be friends peeps!!! Tony's part Italian so there ya go!!! So excited!

Okay, so this post is really just a bunch of crap and I can't believe any of you are still reading this so I'm going to let you go so good night all...this has been your weekly installment of Tiffany's Rambling thoughts...yep...Crazy!!

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