Friday, April 30, 2010
What a week!
So this day wasn't bad at all...I worked over the weekend so I was ready for a day off. I went to get my hair cut and colored. I was so excited to finally get my hair done!!! So I went to Current Trends...where I normally go...and had asked for the same girl that I had before. Well, they apparently had a massive brain fart and gave me to someone else. I was NOT a happy girl but really...she couldn't screw up my hair that bad right...WRONG!!! My hair was down to my is now almost to my scalp. It is soo freakin short! And not only that...they dyed my hair the wrong shade of's almost pink. I am not a happy girl...I will NEVER go back to that girl again....they will give my Amanda next time!
Was this the day that I got my ticket?? I think it I was on my way to get my mom from work when I passed a St. Peters police officer and just knew that I was going to get a ticket...okay...why a ticket you ask...let me tell you...Tony and I bought a car in June of last year...we love our car but have been unable to save money for the taxes and's just over $1200. We thought that they put the taxes in with the sale of the car but they didn' here we are almost a year later and still no plates on the car. So anyway, every time we get ready to get the plates, a ticket comes due and there goes some of the money for the frustrating. So this cop pulls me over. Before he even gets to the car, I have my license and insurance card available. He's all "I guess you know why I pulled you over?" I'm thinking "Uh..DUH!!!" So he asks about the lack of plates...I explain to him what is going on and he proceeds to give me a ticket...blah blah blah...whatever! I'm so freakin used to this by now, I don't even hesitate to pull over. I just do it with my license and insurance card in hand!
Wednesday: I don't remember this day much so it must not have been so bad!
Thurday: Oh boy...this day sucks! So I went to QT in the morning to get milk and donuts because we got a pretty awesome paycheck a couple of weeks ago and we should still have money in the account! Totally excited...we made it another 2 weeks...lets celebrate! So i go to pay for my stuff and my card is declined....WTH???? So I wrote a check and then went home to check the stupid dumb bank has been screwing with my account and now my account is like $-400....WHAT?? We still haven't gotten it all anyway, my hubby and I go to the library and pull up the account...there are 10 overdraft fees...fees that we shouldn't have had to pay!!!!! There was still money in the account when they were pulling out overdraft freakin mad my this seemed like all our hopes and dreams were going to be dashed! But I think we can make it through this latest storm. Anyway, we got pulled over twice this day only to warnings, not tickets because we still had the ticket from the previous pullover! Ugh!
Friday: I spent the morning at the VA hospital while Tony's kidney decided to produce a stone...poor guy...i came out of my office thinking my husband and I were going to go and have a great breakfast and go home and just enjoy each other's company and sleep all day...NOT!!! That would be to fabulous....anyway, so he looks like death when i come outside to the car...he's pale as a white sheet and just looks horrible...his skin was clammy and it just wasn't good. I didn't hesitate to go to the VA...and I HATE the VA. So while we were there, I was being hit on by this big big big massive guy...I was like totally freaking out...there was a VA cop that finally told the guy to leave me alone. I then proceeded to find my husband and I didn't leave his side the rest of the visit. I was freakin out! They do a CT scan and everything...the kidney stone had passed and we were good to go...pick up his script and to bed we could go...they were going to seriously take 45 minutes to fill his script...I don't think so. By the time we got home, we had been up for almost 24 hours. We were completely exhausted. I think i fell asleep so heavily that I didn't move from one position! I woke up and my arm was stiff.
Anyway, so glad this week is behind us. I am ready to start my weekend and just veg. We were going to move this weekend...but we are going to postpone it for a week so Tony can get better. I'm sure this next week will bring more always seems like when it rains it pours. Oh, but before I go...I did have 1 good thing happen this week! I got a phone call from HR saying that I needed to go and fill out an application for a lab tech position. They had spoken with another person that I had interviewed with, and she recommended me for this other position. I am totally excited. We shall see what happens! Please keep us in your prayers!!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Just another day in Paradise
Okay, so enough venting for the moment.
We are getting ready to move. It's so hard to work this shift and not be completely exhausted by the time you get here I am...working midnights, working on packing up the place, and trying to get some craft projects done...all on my day off! Not working well. I am so tired on my days off because of working this shift that some of them..all I want to do is sleep! And then nothing gets done because I'm either too tired or asleep or not feeling good. Oh, I think I may have found a new that might actually work with me...I certainly hope so! I will see him for the first time on May 4th. We shall see what happens with that! I really want to get back on my insulin but I'm really tired of poking myself 30 times a day. My stomach got so sensitive that I could barely put clothes on....that's not good! So hopefully he believes in an insulin pump right off the bat! I think that will be my best bet for getting my health under control. I really want to feel better. I'm tired of feeling sick all the time!
Anyway, I have nothing really exciting to report. My life is pretty dull right now except for the moving to my own apartment!!! I can't wait to be on our own. It's going to be so nice not having to rely on others for things...although, it's been nice to have mom cook every once in a while...and I really like sharing ideas and things with her as well. Wonder how this is going to work when we move. I can't call her all the time, but it's nice to have my mom to bounce ideas off of. Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to rely more on Tony than before!!! I think this will be good for our marriage....which I kinda feel is in a rut. I don't know...maybe it's just the blues or something but I feel like there isn't enough excitement. Maybe when we move things will be least that's what I'm hoping!
Oh, before I forget. You know how I wanted to get all my scrapbooking stuff organized in March. Well, it didn't quite happen then...but I got a good start on it now. See, I had this huge gold colored tote and it was completely full of scrap crap...well, it's organized now and is just waiting to be moved. I'm so excited that I was able to get that organized...I feel so much better about it. My mom and I went through it and got rid of a bunch of scraps of paper and things like that. things that won't ever get used again! It's such a relief! Now if only I could get everything else organized!
Time to take a nap. I'm so flippin tired. It's going to be a long night here at Barnes. I'm sure I'll have other stupid phone calls to tell you about later!
Night for now!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Me and my Big Mouth
Yep...a cuttlebug!!! And then the longer that I'm good, the more cuttlebug folders that I will have! Until I have all the folders that I want so I guess that this is a good thing...Now, what should I do if I screw up...hhhmmm...I need to think of a good punishment for myself. Dang, I have no idea what to do if I make a can't be too horrible because it's not that horrible of a thing. I know what i can do...i will have to eat a salad if I mess, I know that that might not seem so horrible to any of you but I truly hate salads. I hate them with everything that they are. They are the worst food in the planet as far as I'm this would be an appropriate punishment. They won't be anything fancy and maybe I will lose a bunch of weight on this new project of mine...but that's what I'm gonna do! So excited by this new challenge! Wish me luck!
Okay, so I think I'm gonna go and pay attention to my job for now. I put in two new applications yesterday so maybe something will come out of those!! Wish me luck please!!! Talk to you all later and I will definitely keep you updated...Who knows, this may just be the challenge that I need!
Friday, April 16, 2010
A few thoughts that I've had!
Anyway, moving on!!! I have to give a shout out to my husband. He is the most fabulous person ever!!! I absolutely adore him and am so glad and grateful for him. I want him to know that I will never to anything to hurt what we have. It's to wonderful! And we will just leave it at that!
So we went to make the downpayment...or deposit on our apartment today and the landlady wasn't available but she took the sign down and she still says that it's ours!!! So excited. We went to the Hill today and I just can't wait! I see the future for us there. We love that part of town and it's like the safest area in St. Louis City. They take care of their own. I hope that one day we are accepted and are protected as well. I hate the idea of us being outsiders. But we are so excited to be on our own in our favorite part of town. So who cares!!! Let's just be friends peeps!!! Tony's part Italian so there ya go!!! So excited!
Okay, so this post is really just a bunch of crap and I can't believe any of you are still reading this so I'm going to let you go so good night all...this has been your weekly installment of Tiffany's Rambling thoughts...yep...Crazy!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Pear Bread
Pear Bread
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3 eggs
2 cups white sugar
2 cups peeled shredded pears
1 cup chopped pecans
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1. In a large mixing bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Make a well in the center of the bowl.
2. In a separate bowl combine the oil, eggs, sugar, grated pears, pecans, and vanilla. Blend well. Add to well of dry ingredients. Stir until just moistened. Spoon batter into 2 greased and floured 8x5x3 inch loaf pans.
3. Bake in a preheated 325 degree F (165 degrees C) oven for one hour and 15 minutes. Cool on wire rack before removing from the loaf pans.
This makes two loaves. It is soo yummy!! Try it...i think you will just love it!
Have a great night!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Just another week in paradise...or something like that!
Anyway...on to something much more fabulous!!! I am in the mood to scrapbook. I am tired of not doing anything creative and right now beads are just too expensive so I am on my scrapping kick again!! I have a bunch of projects that I can do. I now have a new cousin and it's a i thought that I'd make her a picture frame...and then I have another one that I want to make for Dale and Julie for a family pic they took in Hawaii. Oh, and can't forget my boys need theirs done too....two kitty frames coming right up!!! I thought that I'd try and get them done before we moved. Oh I am in the mood to scrap!!! Now I just need the time to do it!
So I have this fabulous machine called a cricut expression.
I love my's such a neat little machine. I am a very proud owner of 9 different cartridges. I am so excited. Here's a little thing behind my excitment.
So I wanted a cricut since they came out. I love 'em. The only thing is they were and still are so expensive. With Tony and I not working much in OK, there was no way we were going to be able to get one. So this last year, Walmart had one on sale for Black Friday...the day after Thanksgiving. Well, I couldn't pass it up at all. There was NO way that I was going to find it any cheaper and I was dying for Tony and I sacrificed a lot of things, and I got my bug!!! I was so excited. It took me a while to get comfortable buying the cartridges because they are so expensive at the store...but then I discovered cheap cartridges on Ebay!!! I am the proud owner of 9 like i said earlier!! 2 came with the machine and the rest have been purchased off of Ebay!! Oh thank heavens for the internet!! You know, there are over a hundred cartridges for this machine!!! Holy Crap was my first thought!
So anyway, I went on and on about a machine and now I am going to be able to create beautiful things!!! I am so excited!! I can't wait to get into my new apartment and begin the decorating!!! Fun Fun Fun!!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Pressure is ON!
I'm really kinda excited about them!! We are probably going to get those this next check. We also may be able to find a couch that we like and get it then too! At least, that's what we are hoping for! If we don't get the couch, then we will probably get the bookcases instead. They are really neat! Here they are:

Oh I can't wait until I have my own space!!!
I guess that's all for today. Don't really have a lot to say or share! Have a great day peeps! Talk to you when I can!
Friday, April 2, 2010
It's April already??
Anyway, this has been such a busy week for us. Tony started his new job on Monday and the week just flew. It has been a rough week though with our hours being really different. Here's how this week went down...know remember, a round trip to Barnes for us is at least 66 can take anywhere from 45 min to an hour to get there. So anyway, Tony went to his orientation on Monday on his own because it was my day off...he also went Tues because I didn't have to work until 1130 that night. So he took me to work on Tues night so that he could make it here by 8am on Wed morning. I went home and took a 4 hour nap and then went back to Barnes to pick him up from work at 430pm. We then went home; took a 3 hour nap and then took me to work. We did this for three days....we are soo freakin tired it's just ridiculous! We are very grateful for his job though and he seems to enjoy working at Barnes. He really like working with people just not in a retail setting. I think that's what makes him so happy about this more retail!!! He is also totally stoked about the benefits of working in a hospital. He really like to help and make a difference in someone's life. What he doesn't realize is that he makes a big difference in my life every day. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful guy in my life! Can you believe that we have been married for 5 years???
Oh, on top of all of this time stuff...i fell down the steps at my parents house and hurt my wrist. We aren't sure if I just broke one of the little bones in my wrist or if I just sprained or strained it. So here I am dealing with a hurt wrist and wearing a stupid brace until I can get to the doctor. Lucky for me, I have an appointment on Monday...we shall see what happens!
Let's see...what else is happening right now...OH...the BIG news!!! I am so excited...we have told a few people so some already know but here it is for everyone else....WE ARE MOVING TO THE HILL!!! That's right...the apartment that we wanted is still available and it's ours!!! We are so excited!! We are ready to be out on our own and enjoying life and each other's company BY OURSELVES!!! We look forward to being on our own.
So I'm trying to figure out what else has has been so busy lately and I'm sooo tired that sometimes my brain just doesn't work! It takes a vacation occasionally without me!!! LOL!!! Oh well, I have no fabulous recipes to share today because we haven't made anything loving mother has been making dinner lately because our lives and schedules have been so hectic! She loves to spoil us I think!!! At least, she does it often enough! In fact, I think she's making dinner on Easter!!! Should be yummy! I will definitely post more later!!! Have a good night!