Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sleep Study Part I

Oh i went to this new doctor yesterday and explained to him my many many health issues. He decides that the reason I'm so tired is because I may have sleep apnea. Well, I totally know why I'm so tired. Duh!!! I work midnights. Everyone who has ever worked midnights will tell you that they are almost always tired. On top of that, I am a person who requires lots and lots of sleep every day that I don't always get. So those reasons alone are enough to make someone tired. So, since I have fabulous medical insurance, I am going to appease him and take this sleep study tonight. Should be just a blast :0P I totally want to spend my nights off with my husband...not in some twin bed with people watching me sleep. How freaky is that??? Anyway, we shall see how it goes. I will update you later on in the week to let you know the results...that i already know. But on the off chance that I do have sleep apnea..I am not going to be a happy camper and there will be a major weight loss program begun because I am NOT sleeping with some stupid machine stuck to my nose every day that I get to sleep. Besides, those things are major expensive!!!

Okay, so here are my rules for this sleep study:

1. I can't take a nap. That's like letting a little child run around in the middle of winter with no clothes on outside with 6 feet of snow on the ground....absolutely retarded. You are telling me that I am going to be awake for over 24 hours just to take this stupid test....I don't think so! But I was stupid and told my mom that I couldn't take a nap and that it was her responsibility to keep me awake. Oh well, gotta follow the rules!

2. No caffeine after 12:00 noon. Ugh...that's taking away my diet coke or diet pepsi and expecting me not to have a massive headache....I told Tony that the first thing I want when I get out of this sleep study is a huge diet Pepsi!!! YUMMY!!!!!

And now I can't even remember what the other rules are but I do know that I get to dress in my pajamas and have other people watch me sleep. Ugh...wish me luck!!!

Well, I'm gonna go for now! Next time I write maybe I will get to have fabulous news to share but I don't want to spoil it just yet!!! So exiting!

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